How Push Notifications Work Push technology for smartphone applications can work in two ways. It can either be a local notification or a remote notification. Let us learn more about local and remote notifications. Why You Should Send Remote Push Notifications Remote Push notifications can be sent to users in the form of a simple message, a message with a micro image, a message that vibrates the user’s phone, or plays a notification sound every time it is sent. There are various advantages to sending remoting push notifications. Let us discuss them:

Customizability: A local notification is a hardcoded notification that cannot be edited directly. This means that to send new notifications, you will have to ask the user to update their app. Remote notifications, on the other hand, can be customized however a business wants. It can be sent anytime, and anywhere. Also, there are various design templates for push notifications. This lets you create robust and relevant notifications. Business Use: Push Notifications are marketing channels and have a defined business use. They can be used for various kinds of marketing. Push notifications can be used for promoting your products/services, asking users for feedback, letting users know of offers and updates, sharing news, making announcements.In essence, a push notification is very important for marketing simply due to their high conversion rates. Some industries have observed a conversion rate of almost 40% using push notifications. For business use, local push notifications are completely useless. They need remote push notifications. Better User Experience: Push notifications’ popularity has been built over years of user experience. Most users agree that push notifications provide a better experience and also give them better offers than the more traditional marketing routes.Besides, push notifications are rarely more than one line, which means that they have to be clear and precise so that it’s easier for the users to decide if they like the offer or not. The geofencing ability that push notifications provide add to user experience helping users get notifications that are more relevant and more localized. Increase Engagement: If you are not using push notifications for business, you can use it to increase engagement and interaction with users. You can send conversational notifications to users who are not using your app, reminding them of your value and bringing them back to your app.Push notifications provide businesses a non-intrusive way to engage with their users. This increased engagement also helps in retaining your app users. User Freedom: One last thing that sets push notifications apart is the fact that they are completely optional. A user can opt-out from receiving push notifications meaning that the leads that push notifications generate are better for your business.

Appy Pie’s Push Notification Dashboard Appy Pie AppMakr is an intuitive and innovative software. The online subscription-based platform empowers its users to create apps. What sets Appy Pie AppMakr apart is the fact that you don’t need coding knowledge to create an app. The traditional app building approach consists of months of planning, coding, and testing. With Appy Pie AppMakr, you can create an app by simply clicking on the features you need, editing them to suit your needs, and creating a custom app design on its designing screen. With Appy Pie, you can build an app and publish it on a store within a week. The app builder provides infinite customization and over 200 features for app developers to choose from. With a little time, you can master app making on this platform. They even provide free courses for the same. Apart from the innovative app development style and the intuitive interface, Appy Pie AppMakr’s Push Notifications dashboard is a joy to explore. Once you publish your app, you can log in to your Appy Pie account, and access this dashboard. The dashboard allows you to both create and send customized remote push notifications to your users. It features over 8 types of push notification designs and over 4 ways to send them. From geofenced push notifications to sending push notifications on certain triggers, Appy Pie AppMakr’s dashboard is almost as intuitive as the rest of the software. With its lucrative add-on to the plan, the app even provides unlimited push notifications for its users. What sets the push notification dashboard on Appy Pie AppMakr apart is that traditionally to include remote push notifications, you either needed to code a separate dashboard or purchase push technology software and integrate it into your app. Appy Pie provides it as a basic feature of very innovative software with an affordable price tag. Conclusion Whatever path you choose for your app development project, a no-code development software that also gives free push notifications starts to sound like a very good deal. Consider getting onto the no-code software bandwagon because software like Appy Pie makes it really easy!