And now, in the case of Facebook, the above sentence become true. Facebook reduced the reach of the posts and status updates. So whenever you post or share anything on Facebook, your post will be served to the limited people (we can say very limited people). In this article, I’ll tell you why our post reaches fewer people and how to increase the number in post reach to get more Facebook likes, comments, and shares.

Why low reach?

Before complaining about them, It is important to understand why Facebook serves our posts to fewer people. I researched on this topic and found mainly three reasons behind this (Some of the information is official and some of from our experience) And the reasons are: Facebook is also a business, they have a large number of employers and to be a successful business, it is important to earn more. That is the first reason facebook reduces posts to reach so that people will use their advertising program to get good reach. The second reason is to make a ‘better newsfeed’. I personally believe this is reasonable. When you see your newsfeed from a user’s point of view, you like to see posts of your best friends, favorite celebrities, and favorite brand. And if you have so many friends, liked so many pages, or followed many people, then it is not possible to show all of their posts because so many images and posts take so much time to load into the browser. To overcome this problem, Facebook created a newsfeed algorithm that shows only the most relevant posts to the user. The third reason is to stop the spammers. Facebook is an open place to share anything and a fine place for spammers to do their dirty work. But now, Facebook’s newsfeed algorithm is smart enough to indicate spam.

How does the newsfeed algorithm work?

As I mentioned earlier, Facebook has its newsfeed algorithm which shows only the most relevant posts in users’ newsfeeds. Now the question is, how Facebook knows what we want to see and what we do not? Actually, Facebook keeps track of what you like, what you share, where you comment, to whom you reply and according to this, the posts appear in your newsfeed. For example: If you like any post from technotification page by visiting our page, it indicates you are looking for our posts, so Facebook will start showing a few more posts in your newsfeed. And if you ignore those posts, it will indicate you are no longer interested to see our posts and it will stop showing our posts. This is also true for sharing and commenting. The second thing to consider is post format. If you are posting only text posts then you will get good reach but fewer likes because people ignore it or many images do not let them see it. If you are posting links so much then your post will reach very fewer followers because Facebook does not want you to leave their website for a long time.

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